Thursday 15 December 2016

Here you will find hundreds of tips you can use if you want to lose weight. Not all tips are necessary, but they can be useful in the "weight maintenance" or really change your eating behavior. Be careful that you do not try to memorize everything. First find several tips that you think you can apply and live it by strictly following. Later you will be pleased to note that some tips also have a "slimming" effect.
We live in a jungle full consumption power sources and temptations that make us deviate from our diet. We are thrown almost dead with food ads, billboards eating where people stand, diners and drinkers all around us. In addition that, even among your friends and acquaintances, people who can be persuaded to eat anyway, and that's against your will.
The techniques which these practices are based, have been developed in recent decades. For most, it is a lot of research done to prove the applicability and effect. All tips are numbered but not ranked. So number 34 is just as important as No. 1 or No. 100.

Your Weight Loss Tips

Do you remember a afslanktip that are not on our list? Leave him here behind and help others lose weight.

Put the Power Test

It is important to know whether you have a correct diet at this time. Start here the free nutrition test . Need more information about this unique nutrition test? Then read this article .

100 Free tips to lose weight

With these tips you can from your diet a success and dietary problems as much as possible
afslanktip 1
Buy as much as possible fresh or frozen vegetables. Canned packaged foods often contain a large amount of Sodium, so you do not inadvertently 'inflate or swell "of the chemical substance. Learn to read and interpret the package labeling of foods and beverages. Most quality products get the content informative label it. Note that the following items on it are: size of a serving, servings per container, number of allowable servings per day and serving the calorific value, the amount of protein, carbohydrates, fat and Sodium.
afslanktip 2
If you ever lose more weight and you're so good 'performance', then treat yourself to a 'non-food' surprise. Buy a book, that book you wanted to have long, going to the movies (bring no candy), buy a new garment or treat yourself to a different non-edible surprise.
afslanktip 3
Not eat or drink while you are driving your car or any other vehicle of any kind. An apple mag.natuurlijk though.
afslanktip 4
Not eat or drink while watching television or listening to music. When you eat you have to be distracted by anything.
afslanktip 5
Avoid feather or sleep after eating. Try to move in each case, within or outside the house. Take a walk around the block instead of crawling or watching TV sprawled in the recliner. Keep a log of all your sporting activities, even if it only comes to the block. You're going more to a little exercise to get used to and that is the intention. Put 'NO' in the logbook if you have not done anything that day.
afslanktip 6
Keep your favorite sweets or nibbles out. Tell your family that your house will not be nibbled, unless it is sweets that you horrified. Buy candy that you desire nothing
afslanktip 7
You want something that's cool and sweet, take a waterijsvormpje and use sugar-free syrup to ice. Banish ice or something of that nature from the freezer.
afslanktip 8
If you want a cold drink, put a container of orange juice in your freezer and leave almost freeze. Stir and there you have a thirst quencher which is not bad for the line.
afslanktip 9
Never go with a hunger to a store. Research shows that this inspires you to diet unfriendly purchases. do not go without a list to the store to make unnecessary purchases. Buy only if something is not on the list, as this is a good reason, such as an attractive offer.
afslanktip 10
Freeze leftovers or throw them away, but they do not eat before going to sleep briefly. Foods that you should never be stored quickly thickens away with it.
afslanktip 11
For each meal, big or small, you have to set the table with the following: tablecloth, plate, knife, fork, spoon and napkin. The special is that you are doing this for eating bread as well as chips or a chocolate bar, and at any time of day.
afslanktip 12
Avoid handy bite-size things like peanuts, potato chips, cheese cubes and other party snacks. This little seducers may eat more quickly than you actually planned.
afslanktip 13
Alcohol is also a culprit. This delicacy do not you just forget that you're on a diet, but also converts faster food into fat and inhibits the burning of fat.
afslanktip 14
Look at fat people in a restaurant, you assume the role of a dietitian. How do these people eat, rushed or calm? they eat for taste or quantity? See you look like that when you eat? Would you also like this?
afslanktip 15
Put a mirror right in front of you on the table as you eat. Look how your eating habits look like. It's fun to see yourself eating or your brand unsavory affairs?
afslanktip 16
Used to eat a kinderbestekje and a breakfast plate. Especially when you cut your portion of meat into smaller pieces, it now appears a plate full.
afslanktip 17
Eating with Chinese sticks can also bring someone to lose weight if one takes all the food only with sticks to himself think of the peanuts you'll leave. Smoking is difficult and can only drink with hollow sticks.
afslanktip 18
For each lunch and dinner a salad or soup. Eat slowly, your special specifications (not soup with chopsticks) use and think slowly eat it. Slow food is meant to fool the brains. It takes about 20 minutes, before it penetrates into your brain that you eat and that hunger should disappear so. Salad (with lettuce, raw vegetables and some vinegar) may additionally stimulate digestion. Take at dinner time on. You'll have to do at least twenty minutes over your meal to the above reasons.
afslanktip 19
The tip of the small tableware is also a bedriegertje. Because you are in relationship just does so much on your plate is your portion in real life of course smaller. And because you eat more slowly, it takes as long to eat your plate than normal. It sounds simple but it works and it involves.
afslanktip 20
You are invited to a party, ask your host its cooperation in your fight against fat. Everyone will be willing to do more with raw vegetables or fresh fruit but give the hostess immediately what tips you look up here before. Sometimes the scale, meant for you, rather empty because the others just as much of 'sweets'.
afslanktip 21
Go quite late to a party and also leaving a little earlier. This means that you do not need as long to be exposed to temptation. Go in any case are far from the snack table. And your drink is a natural fruit juice or a pond. Remember, Spa green, Tonic and Ginger-Ale 66k contain 10% sugar!
afslanktip 22
Traffic you have lunch at the 'happy' circumstance for work and this happens often, try to eat light, salads or fish and fresh fruit.
afslanktip 23
Should you have any reason to participate in a dinner party to which you can not escape, then go a few days before eating less. Promise yourself that you will persist after is keep fooling yourself and too hard.
afslanktip 24
Eat when you consider snacking always want fruit (in small wedges). You have every piece of chew and taste. Dwell on what you eat.
afslanktip 25
Go, if you are about to raid the refrigerator, around the block, at least leaves the kitchen. Do something to take your mind. And if nothing you can inhibit binge, try to wait half an hour before you actually begin. His thirty minutes passed then try to sixties.
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afslanktip 26
Rinse every time you think of something delicious, your mouth. Use a mild mouthwash, preferably with a slightly sour taste.
afslanktip 27
Put your scales in the kitchen and weigh as often as needed. One finds support roads occasionally and always to observe a lower weight, the other benefits from stepping on the scale itself as a 'binge' itself. Sometimes, however, the scale does not give the correct information but you can find your figure to change your clothes. This example is loosely seated on the hips or the folds fall suddenly different. Remember that not all weight is fat and you can get in places where muscles first sat fat.
afslanktip 28
Delay techniques are the best ways to tackle gluttonous impulses. As you will realize delay in paragraph 25. It goes like this: you use a kitchen timer that puts you in ten minutes if you get a eetimpuls while it's not dinner time yet. Before he expires change your mind or you really do not no food could for normal meal. Or search in those ten minutes to another form of recreation that does not think about food.
afslanktip 29
Write a block note down everything you ate during the day, what you felt when you ate and who was there. Check this report after one or two weeks. So you can see which emotion you eat or going to eat and close to the people you begin to eat or what people you turn to food. Forewarned is forearmed, after all.
afslanktip 30
Eat everything you eat in one place such as the kitchen How to avoid eating mindlessly watching TV. or on the phone. Automatic food is a real fattening and thus enemy number one.
afslanktip 31
Make every meal a pleasant event. Enjoy every bite. Deck whenever an attractive table with a candle, flowers or beautiful napkins. Thus gives you the tedium of your diet now and the more you enjoy your meal, the easier it is to remain permanently slim.
afslanktip 32
Fold your small table cutlery in a napkin so that the start of your meal is a conscious moment. Begin to unfold the napkin when the others begin their meal. Do you eat alone, you first look at your food. Is there something you can change to make it look tasty? If so, make a note of the next time.
afslanktip 33
Are you left-handed, eat with your right hand and vice versa. Is this not more slowly? Good.
afslanktip 34
Eat what you'll find 'em first. So you will have a sense of satisfaction not eat past. You do well as your favorite still own food on your plate.
afslanktip 35
Are you getting too much on your plate in a restaurant, then slide half apart on your plate and add a lot of salt and pepper. So the temptation is to still do everything taken away. Usually you will be instilled in your childhood that sin is food to throw away. Can not find it in your heart to spoil the food, then take home and freeze it.
afslanktip 36
Something similar is about eating salting after you start to feel the saturation. It looks like the above but something else comes up.
afslanktip 37
Put your utensils down after every bite and enjoy your snack. Taste the flavor of your food as if it were a taste test.
afslanktip 38
Take an ice cube in your mouth when you are cooking. You take a really large amount of calories into you than you think because you unnoticed ever taste.
afslanktip 39
Drink during the preparation of the meal a large glass of water. Your stomach is above all that stuff for you that once you begin and satiety comes earlier.
afslanktip 40
If you are unable to keep down food while eating then you should give it a try with a mask on. Or with a tea towel for nose and mouth. You should always consciously stop the cloth or mask to taste, whether you are aware of the ever up coming full spoon taps your mask.
afslanktip 41
Never once eat a whole portion on your plate, but start by half. Then take another half of the half that is about and remember while you eat or you that last bit now really need to become saturated.
afslanktip 42
Use your salads still lemon and / or vinegar dressings. Question in a restaurant feel free to order a salad with this dressing.
afslanktip 43
You can also buy a small bottle with a screw cap to be able to bring your own dressing in purse or pocket.
afslanktip 44
Compare labels of similar products and pay attention not only on how much fat or calories there are, but also how much sugar. Some 'low vetgehalte'- yogurts contain just extra sugar.
afslanktip 45
Note the portions you eat a cup of cottage cheese 800 grams contains not one but two portions. Quark is in quite a few types for sale such as cottage cheese with 90calorieën and 1 gram of fat per serving and how about plain cottage cheese with 120 calories plus 5 grams of fat per serving.
afslanktip 46
Many of the above tips come from leaflets and brochures which you can request free of charge a fee at several clubs. These include Foundation and Nutrition Office. These institutions will be able to give you information about the importance and the method of weight loss and healthier lives.
afslanktip 47
Do not hold yourself be fooled. If you get snacks at home, you'll also eat. If you do not buy then you run no risk. Also, your family should be aware that you should endeavor to stick to the diet. So, do not eat nuts if you're there. What you do not see, you do not want to eat. What is not there, you can not eat.
afslanktip 48
Eat before you go to restaurants, only one or two slices Malsovit. Remember that delayed disappearing hunger. In the restaurant you tell the waiter what you want on your plate and what not. Sauces are fattening so they go separately. Lettuce should be created with lemon and vinegar. They used oil, send it back.
afslanktip 49
Leave the building if you go around colleagues birthday treats. You can not avoid, it says you do not care. Do not say you do on the line, because they will still try to touch anything you lose immediately.
afslanktip 50
Instead of staying inside the lunch hour and (wrong) to eat, you go outside (weather permitting) and walk some. Please take a moment to escape from work and relax.

Tip 51 to 100

My colleague Natascha has another 50 handytips for you to fall. Together with my 50 tips so you have 100 tips that will help you say goodbye to obesity.

Put the Power Test

It is important to know whether you have a correct diet at this time. Start here the free nutrition test . Need more information about this unique nutrition test? Then read this article .

Free E-Book with 20 Slim Recipes

Especially for is Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach Jesse van der Velde wrote a recipe book that you can download for free. Would you like to receive the free recipe? fill quickly this form in and start with healthy weight loss today.

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