Wednesday 28 December 2016

Tips to lose weight without dieting

Earlier my colleague Marianne wrote the first 50 tips to lose weight . In this article you can still find 50 tips that will help you (about) - to lose weight.
afslanktip 51
Wen yourself a rhythm that helps fight your problem. Learn to sleep regularly, exercise (sports), eating and working. Let this routine be a help, a support to get through the day without hunger.
afslanktip 52
Avoid occasions as cafés and bars until you think you are strong enough to handle the innuendos about your weight loss. You have undoubtedly reject many drinks as you just "some water" drink and you'll be denounced as unsociable and bummer.
afslanktip 53                  
Do you drink alcohol anyway, try light beer or a light cocktail (with plenty of soda or ice). Drinking beer from a small glass rather than from a mug.
afslanktip 54
Going out, run away than pretzels, chips and other salty. You get thirsty and you eat quickly too much. You obviously do not drink liquor before eating, and then to estimate the power that still can and can not be eaten.
Put the Power Test
It is important to know whether you have a correct diet at this time. Start here the freenutrition test . Need more information about this unique nutrition test? Then read this article .
afslanktip 55
Go with a group and take one wine for the whole group, take only half a glass and taste them small sips. The emptying of the glass has the effect that it is back filled Of all the beverages are spring water just still the best. Therefore it is advisable always to have a bottle or carafe on the table.
afslanktip 56
Soda and bottled water, one-calorie drinks and orange and tomato juice you can get in any occasion and at every party. To have something in hand, these drinks recommended because you seem to drink and because there are few calories in it.
afslanktip 57
Your eating habit should be like in the old Dutch proverb that says: Eat morning as an emperor, in the afternoon as a citizen and in the evening like a beggar. skip If you are unable to eat in the morning (a lot), dinner about it, then it is a lot easier. The size of your breakfast may continue to increase for some time. A breakdown of calories looks like 40% - 30% - 30% spread over the day. This only to learn it's more to eat in the morning.
afslanktip 58
Never skip a meal. It is unrealistic to think that you come with an appetite. Eat whatever is permitted within the limits of your diet. Do you have problems with your diet, ask your dietitian (e) can give you a few recipes if you can help in any other way.
afslanktip 59
The danger is that you will easily grab for snacks. Not only do you miss a lot of necessary construction and nutrients, but your diet plan comes also at risk.
afslanktip 60
Make sure that you are beyond your normal foods, to prepare no quick snacks in the house. If you need to perform a number of operations for a snack to eat will pull it be less than if you open a bag as quickly.
afslanktip 61
Never eat standing or lying or bed or on the couch.
afslanktip 62
If you do necessarily wants to sin again, make sure that a family member or friend (s) at. Do not try to sneak sweets.
afslanktip 63
Leave the table when you're done with your meal. Do not sit still watching the eating table companions.
afslanktip 64
Let your table clean their plate right after the meal you take away the opportunity as yet to deal with a finger through the gravy. It can sometimes be very difficult to lose weight.
afslanktip 65
Keep your food in opaque boxes and preferably on a difficult or not at all visible place. As the upper shelf of a cabinet, or at the bottom of the basement. You have to do it for a bite, remember.
afslanktip 66
Do not buy candy for your family because ultimately you eat it myself yet also participate again. How difficult it is, do not take your children to a hamburger, French fries and ice cream parlor, because the chance that you will eat it or is very large. It is also all that 'gevreet "around your no fun for yourself.
afslanktip 67
Do not you bring kids when you go shopping, but bring them here to the neighbors. Children will, when they are in a supermarket, you head whining crazy to all kinds of candies and sweets. Stick to the list that you made before.
afslanktip 68
Try to break the monotony of your food. Experiment with a grill or oven, try raw vegetables or baked potatoes. A salad can even give a different twist to your meal, it contains, if properly prepared, low in calories and can be made with many ingredients.
afslanktip 69
Prepare for your dinner by there beforehand to think about, think about what you against the waiter will say about salads and desserts, and what your plate may and may not contain. Meanwhile, eating a slice Malsovit or Malsovit-meal cake with a glass of water.
afslanktip 70
Save for the meal known as the 'aperitif' on. For you do not drink or toasts and therefore no bread and garlic butter. Take a glass of mineral water and very rarely a dry piece of toast. Are you in a restaurant and want to put the waiter something on your plate what you do not want, keep your hand above it (you need to hold the waiter beforehand eye to respond promptly).
afslanktip 71
Be very precise in removing excess fat that sit on your chicken, beef or pork. Poultry always remove the skin before you start eating.
afslanktip 72
If you are on a business dinner or lunch "must" continue to eat, take your course every other vegetables on your plate. Ask the waiter for extra vegetables, they will always be replenished quickly.
afslanktip 73
If in your milkman or the supermarket always skim milk instead of whole. Chocolate is a bummer but may buttermilk.
afslanktip 74
A so-called fruit dish for dessert is good if there is processed fresh fruit. Often, however, one will do in canned fruits come out of the syrup. Syrup is sugar dissolved in water, not really the best choice for someone who aligns.
afslanktip 75
The words light, or low-calorie tell themselves little about the content and nutritional value of a product. Something can be called low-fat and can be full of sugar and empty calories.
afslanktip 76
Subscribe in a food diary daily experiences.
 Describe your meals, what you ate, how or by whom they were made, the beautiful aspects of weight loss but also the difficult things. Let also the dietitian (e) read in your journal so that it can give you tips or incentives to reach your goal faster or easier.
afslanktip 77
Your body runs on food, you are overweight then you should walk. Leave the car or bike even stand and walk once a friend (in). Walk every day around the block or explore the area of ​​your residence. Start with small pieces and make them longer and longer trips.
afslanktip 78
Do more walking is the maxim. Someone will tend to move less overweight. Walking is something everyone can do and what you can build fast pace to an acceptable level. Strolling is your honor naturally after. Forward with considerable stride.
afslanktip 79
Try not to become a bench ornament 'but you move more around the room. Allow more often to get something for someone else and go more often shifted. Put if you go to the store is not your car on the sidewalk in front of the door but in that parking spot a little further so your fellow man who has difficulty walking has not affected you. The caddy course you bring back to the shop.
afslanktip 80
Sale, use and wear sporty clothes. It is comfortable and can move more easily along. Do not purchase these clothes on growth, but the decline in!
afslanktip 81
If it fits in your lifestyle, you must above all remain sexually active. Love can eliminate many problems but that is not love, this is often forgotten by food. Also can enjoy a satisfying sex life, the fuller figure among us. Displays the still encounter one of the many agencies can in this area you help but do not give up.
afslanktip 82
Be realistic about the weight you'll be able to get rid of every month. Do not worry if there is even nothing is lost. You then had normal healthy muscle growth or there is some extra moisture left behind in your body. Count on more than two or three pounds per week after the first of pounds have flown off. Use a sugar free gum when you are cooking or nibble on a celery angel and chew on the pieces.
afslanktip 83
Read once a week junkdag in, eat everything you crave. It is a reward for six days do your best and give you extra energy for the next six days.
afslanktip 84
Sleep enough! Who gets enough sleep have more energy. Energy that you will not need to eat at. If you get enough sleep your body makes leptin, the component that tells your brains you've eaten enough. Are you sleeping poorly? Then there is too little leptin is created and you all day tend to snack. If the energy can not come out of sleep, but then a Mars. So work your brains!
afslanktip 85
Use lots of spices. Spicy spices such as chili, cayenne and ginger accelerate the metabolism. Give preference to these spices to bring your food to taste.
afslanktip 86
Finished eating? Brush your teeth immediately to ensure that you still have something 'after-eat'. With a toothpaste taste in your mouth tastes like nothing more delicious. Calorie peppermint candies or cures for fresh breath have the same effect. Suck on a sweet when you feel peckish rise.
afslanktip 87
Food gives us a nice feeling. It has been found that beautiful music can bring about the same feeling. So, replace your snacks agree with your favorite music.
afslanktip 88
Are you right-handed? Eat than once with the left (or vice versa), it might go a little slower, but you're aware of the food!
afslanktip 89
For nighttime refrigerator squatters: put a glass of buttermilk on your nightstand and put some fruit ready. The application of an alarm on the refrigerator light is a fun way to get rid of your trip because you now arouses your fellow residents when the refrigerator is opened and that they often do not like.
afslanktip 90
You can embroider, work after a sin committed by a proverb: "One minute in the mouth for an hour in the stomach, the rest of your life on your hips (abdomen), or" From food I get it on my hips or "Look before you leap '(for the fridge) you can not write these crafts spells than with giant letters on signs. Put this sign on a clear place in the house.
afslanktip 91
Search medeafvaller to share your destiny. Try each day to talk to this person about the things that keep you busy. Encourage each other and hold each other's progress closely. Is there no one who can share your problem with you visit a social network or a website like Also tell here that you're losing weight and looking for support.
afslanktip 92
Run away dejected, disappointed and negative people with diets never have been able to achieve what you're planning. Think positive, live completely but eat in moderation. You'll get even managed another not.
afslanktip 93
Think not only positive but also think thin. Set yourself a goal that is worthwhile. Buy yourself a beautiful garment in that size you have as ultimate goal in sight. So you can see the end itself.
afslanktip 94
Be strong and assertive. Assertive does not mean aggressive but it's right on the man say what you want without offending.
afslanktip 95
Let pass gives you the feeling that you can even with far less at each meal after a snack or piece of something on your plate. There is no greater sin than to eat more than you intended because you could not leave the leftovers. Get yourself over to think so.
afslanktip 96
Portion division begins in the store. Let your vegetables in measured portions pack through your grocer. Let your meat in, according to you, only one, proper amounts cut by the butcher. Take it too lean meat instead of the bargain. You are more expensive but there are a tasty and calorie-poorer piece of meat. (75 gr. Expensive lean meat, costs the same as 150 grams. Cheap fatty meat.)
afslanktip 97
Do not give in to the desire to be with diuretics or laxatives very strong, quick, to lose a few kilos. These things are very bad for your intestines and sometimes even put your gut quiet, allowing your food, without anything of it is absorbed into the blood, leaving your body. You should try to slim down and stay healthy. With six to seven slices Malsovit you get enough fiber in order to work properly your gut. Even walking helps with intestinal problems. Curiously, there are few walkers who suffer from gastric or intestinal problems.
afslanktip 98
Do not expect miracles from yourself or the method used by you. It requires hard work and a lot of blood, sweat and tears to become slimmer. Both your habits, your thinking, your diet if you need to change sports to have any effect (otherwise your attempt to start off in vain). The slower it goes, the better you feel and the longer it stays away FAT.
afslanktip 99
See all this rubbish story as a course. You learn to lose weight yourself. You learn a trade and must be taught nothing wrong. Do not be too hard on yourself. Eyeful business through the fingers when sin was within the acceptable. Expected difficulties on the way, they will definitely come, so be prepared. Turn a lot of little things in life but be yourself.
afslanktip 100
The last tip I can give is that every person who offers food treated with suspicion should be. Saboteurs and managers can make a fading very difficult. they go out of the way. Trust in the beginning nobody until you know you are dealing with. A bit paranoid behavior can not harm but can save a lot of trouble. Read these tips from a hundred just like the other information and work with the aim to become the boss of your body. I wish you much strength in achieving your goal of a lean (er) body and a healthy appetite.

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